Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Fellow GSD Needs Your Help!

Human friends, a fellow GSD needs your help. The picture above is not me, but a German Shepherd named Indy (short for Independence). Indy was hit by a car on I-285 (a large circular road that humans drive far too fast on that circles Atlanta) on July 3rd, 2010.

She was rescued and rushed to the vet, who did some fantastic work on her. Unfortunately, this kind of thing is expensive. I don't know if the labor was donated, but there's materials cost, medication, food and other things that add up. Canine Pet Rescue is trying to raise $2000 by August 3rd to offset the costs (which are going to run a lot more than $2000!).

Please help Indy by donating. The website for donating is here. You can send money by mail, or if you have a credit card or Paypal, you can use that. At this time, they're at about 88% of their goal. Every little bit helps, so please help Indy and donate just a little. $5 isn't much to you, but it adds up quick to help out a great German Shepherd.

If you're on Facebook, search for 'Canine Pet Rescue', and friend them. They're good people!
